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Salute to Moms of Paralympic Athletes Will Give You a Lump in the Throat



It’s easy to forget that behind every successful athlete, there’s an army of people working to make his or her achievements possible.

Consumer packaged goods giant Procter & Gamble is on a mission to remind viewers of the most important member of this team: moms. P&G, which in early January rolled out a touching and very well-received ad saluting mothers of Sochi athletes is now giving a shout out to moms of athletes in the Winter Paralympics, which start March 7 in Sochi

The ad, “Tough Love,” features vignettes of moms encouraging the sometimes reluctant athletes to compete rather than coddling them. “You could have protected me,” the voiceover says. “You could have taken every hit. You could have turned the world upside-down so that I would never feel pain. But you didn’t. You gave me my freedom because you were strong. And now, so am I.” Read more…

More about Advertising, Procter Gamble, Business, Marketing, and Paralympics

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