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Jeff Gordon Takes Reporter for Wild Revenge Ride



Revenge is a dish best served at 180 mph

Almost a year ago, Jeff Gordon teamed up with Pepsi Max to prank an unsuspecting car salesman. Gordon disguised himself and took the salesman along on a test drive, only to dangerously speed around town. The salesman’s terrified reactions, and subsequent reaction to discovering it was a NASCAR driver all along, earned the Pepsi spot more than 40 million views on YouTube

But not everyone was so impressed by the viral video, mainly Jalopnik reporter Travis Okulski. Okulski was among the first to point out inconsistencies in the original ad, writing it off as a staged performance by several actors Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Ads, Pepsi, Pranks, and Pepsi Max

Read more : Jeff Gordon Takes Reporter for Wild Revenge Ride

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