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iPhone-Connected Jewelry: Wireless Security Alerts, High Fashion



Truly practical wearable technology, the kind that seamlessly disappears into your everyday life, is rare at the moment. You’re more likely to see attention-grabbing prototypes such as (see Google Glass)

That’s what the people behind Cuff, a line of accessories that each come with a hidden wireless device, are hoping to change. On Tuesday, the company introduced a nine-piece line of wearables, including bracelets, necklaces and, for the men, a key chain, all accompanied by the CuffLinc device.

“The merger of fashion and function is the bigger idea,” Deep Sood, the founder of Cuff, told Mashable. Read more…

More about Fashion, Iphone, Design, Ios, and Wearable Tech

Read more : iPhone-Connected Jewelry: Wireless Security Alerts, High Fashion

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