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Hands On With Reporter, An iOS App That Wants To Help You Understand Your Daily Life

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If you are like me, life speeds by and you cling for something like normalcy as work and everything else swirls.

Want a better grip on your daily activities, and how your habits are changing over time? Reporter, a new application for iOS, wants to help. Built by Nicholas Felton, a former Facebook designer, Reporter helps you craft a set of questions that pertain to your life — how much coffee you have had, are you working, did you go for a run, and for how long? — and graphs the results.

How do you keep it up, answering the questions on the regular, and preventing slippage in your check-ins? Reporter pings you throughout the day to follow your own survey, preventing gaps.

The app will set you back four dollars, but is a fun trip into your own banality if you want such a thing. Is it for you? Watch my review and decide:



Read more : Hands On With Reporter, An iOS App That Wants To Help You Understand Your Daily Life

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