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Depending On Price, The Samsung Gear Fit Could Dominate The Wearables Market


Forget about the rest of Samsung’s MWC offerings. The Gear Fit is about the most exciting product announced in Barcelona today. It’s the first Samsung wearable that has a legitimate chance of catching on.

The Fit is focused to the fitness crowd – natch – but it packs enough features to be a hit with the general consumer. Like other wearables in this category, the Fit tracks movement, heart rate and sleep patterns. But unlike other current products, the Fit is water-resistant and packs phone notifications, a timer, stopwatch and a sleek curved OLED screen.

Best of all it lacks all the nonsense found on its larger brothers. The Fit doesn’t sport a camera, speaker or a massive screen. It’s svelte and sexy just like a smartwatch should be.

With over 200m Galaxy S smartphones sold, Samsung has serious brand equity. If even a fraction of those owners opt for this fitness tracker over competitors, Samsung will have a hit.

Samsung has yet to reveal the price on the Fit and that could be the deciding factor here. If the Fit was priced under $200, say, $179 or $149, Samsung could have a big hit on its hands. With a smart feature set and the right price, the Fit could be the missing link from fitness device to smartwatch the market has so far been missing.

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Read more : Depending On Price, The Samsung Gear Fit Could Dominate The Wearables Market

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