This Dallas sportscaster can’t change his view — even if he wanted to.
Dale Hansen, the weeknight sports anchor for ABC’s Dallas affiliate WFAA, posed a question to his viewers Monday night: What is the big deal about having a gay player in the NFL? The question came in reaction to star University of Missouri defensive end Michael Sam’s coming out before his expected appearance in the NFL draft this year.
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In a powerful on-air opinion piece, Hansen challenges critics to explain why an openly gay team member would be a problem in the NFL. After all, many who make that argument “are the same people who say government should stay out of our lives but then want government in our bedrooms,” he says. Hansen concludes that it’s not only unfair to discriminate against a player because he’s gay, but also immoral and illogical Read more…
More about Football, Nfl, Lgbt, Gay, and Entertainment
Read more : Dallas Sportscaster Tackles NFL Homophobia in Powerful On-Air Speech
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