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Bing Launches Three New Windows Phone 8 Apps



Bing launched three news Windows Phone 8 apps Tuesday: Bing Food and Drink, Bing Health and Fitness, and Bing Travel.

In addition to the new apps, Microsoft’s search engine updated its existing Windows Phone 8 apps, and announced that all Bing apps will now sync across Windows 8 devices.

“Set up your favorite cities for weather, pick your favorite sports teams, chose the news topics you want to follow, and those things will be with you at your PC at work, on your Windows 8 tablet in the living room or on your Windows Phone when you are on the go,” Bing said in a blog post announcing the changes. Read more…

More about Microsoft, Bing, Tech, Apps Software, and Windows Phone 8

Read more : Bing Launches Three New Windows Phone 8 Apps

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