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Apple Releases Updates for iOS 7, iOS 6



Apple released updates for iOS 7 and iOS 6 users on Friday. The iOS 7.0.6 update is a security update that the company says “provides a fix for SSL connection verification.”

This is a small update, clocking in at just 35MB on a Verizon iPhone 5S. Apple also released an update for iOS 6 users on the iPhone 3GS and fourth-generation iPod touch. iOS 6.1.6 reportedly offers a number of bug fixes.

Apple is expected to release iOS 7.1 soon, perhaps as soon as early March, which will address a number of lingering iOS 7 niggles, including the ever-present soft-reboot issue (we’re calling it the black/white screen of death). Apple confirmed to Mashable that it is aware of the issue and it will be addressed in a future update. Read more…

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Read more : Apple Releases Updates for iOS 7, iOS 6

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