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Apple iPhone-Ready Device Is the World’s Smartest Hearing Aid



BARCELONA, SPAIN — We hear a lot of talk about wearable tech being the future, but most of the solutions are devices that require leaping into a new usage context, a learning curve that many are reluctant to take on

However, the new smart hearing aid from Resound Linx is that rare piece of wearable tech that is not only practical, but immediately usable by anyone with a hearing impairment. Officially launched globally on Monday, the wireless Bluetooth device was developed by Denmark-based GN ReSound

Created to work seamlessly with the iPhone and iPad, the ReSound Linx allows the wearer to adjust the sound settings from their smartphone, an important feature that allows anyone wearing a hearing aid to be less conspicuous while adjusting their device in public settings Read more…

More about Apple, Hearing, Ios, Wearable Tech, and Mobile World Congress

Read more : Apple iPhone-Ready Device Is the World’s Smartest Hearing Aid

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