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Announcing Zend Studio 10.6

We’ve just beefed up our PHP language support!

The latest version of Zend Studio now fully supports PHP 5.5.

PHP 5.5 support allows you to use features like generators, the finally keyword, new password hashing API, array and string literal dereferencing and more. Support includes content assist and syntax check as well as CLI script execution and built-in PHP 5.5.7 binaries.
Faster Project Processing: Accelerate project processing by flagging specific folders as PHP libraries, to identify code that’s developed and deployed as part of your project but not actively maintained, and so does not require constant re-validation.
Improved Debugging Experience: With easy to configure ZendDebugger and Xdebug, Zend Studio can now automatically detect and validate your PHP binary or local server debugger settings.
Git integration: EGit 3.2 provides access to features like interactive rebase that allows you to quickly edit a series of commits, among other usability and performance improvements.

Get the latest version Zend Studio today!

Read more : Announcing Zend Studio 10.6

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