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7 startups to watch from Seedcamp London’s first Investor Day of 2014


Stockflare 7 startups to watch from Seedcamp Londons first Investor Day of 2014
Stockflare is, unsurprisingly, an app aimed at people with an interest in trading shares. However, while there’s no shortage of financial apps available, they’re mostly aimed at people who really know what they’re doing. This is where Stockflare is different – it’s aimed at people who want to perhaps manage a small portfolio, but in a simple and user-friendly way and with real-time suggestions. Did I mention that it looks beautiful too? Ne’er has a plunging stock looked so pretty.

“We’re making investment simple so that anyone who sells can take control of their investments themselves. Investing is extremely complex and biased and it is very noisy… A vast majority of people don’t trust their investment advisor. In the US, 56 percent of people say they don’t trust their investment advisor. There’s now a huge trend in personal investing, the number of people who manage their own portfolios has doubled in the last five years.

“We make it simple, we make it intelligent, we make sense of the data so you can make a better investment decision,” Shane Leonard, co-founder and COO of Intense Limited, the parent company of Stockflare, said.

The app itself is free, and is currently available with a gratis two month premium subscription. After the trial period it costs $4.99 a month in the US, €4.49 in Europe countries and £2.99 in the UK.

➤ Stockflare

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