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13 Signs U Might B Addicted 2 Texting



It shouldn’t be too surprising for the average individual to realize most of their daily communications take place through texting — some prefer it more than their actual voice.

It happens on a regular basis. Who has time to stop for coffee, when you could chat and knock a couple things off your to-do list at the same time?

To be fair, most of us tend to even the day out with some real social interaction — or at least throw in a FaceTime now and then. But there are some who would be utterly lost without an autocorrect to fill in the blank spaces

If you’re someone who salivates at the sound of your text alert, it might already be too late. Take a look as some of the signs you’re in need of an SMS-SOS. Read more…

More about Lists, Sms, Texting, Humor, and Gifs

Read more : 13 Signs U Might B Addicted 2 Texting

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