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Vimeo Launches Marketing Program to Help Crowdfunded Filmmakers



PARK CITY, Utah — Filmmakers who turn to crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo typically use campaign money for shooting and production. But getting a movie made is only one part of the filmmaking process: It still needs to be marketed

Video-sharing platform Vimeo, which gets 149 million unique visitors a month, is offering $500,000 to crowdfunded filmmakers in need of marketing help. Selected filmmakers will receive assistance with website creation, targeted online campaigns and social-media initiatives. In exchange, the content will be hosted on the company’s Vimeo On Demand site. Read more…

More about Indiegogo, Vimeo, Sundance, Kickstarter, and Sundance Film Festival

Read more : Vimeo Launches Marketing Program to Help Crowdfunded Filmmakers

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