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The Syrian Electronic Army Rings In The New Year By Hacking Skype’s Social Media Accounts

syrian electronic army logo

The Syrian Electronic Army is at it again. The group just hacked Skype’s blog and twitter accounts, spreading an anti-NSA, anti-Microsoft message in the process. “Don’t use Microsoft emails (hotmail,outlook), They are monitoring your accounts and selling the data to the governments”, says one posting. “Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army.. Stop Spying!”, says another.

Skype, the service itself, does not appear to be affected.

The group also gained control of Skype’s Facebook although that message has since been deleted. However, the postings were up for nearly 40 minutes.

As of publication, the activist group still seemingly has control of Skype’s blog and Twitter.


Earlier this year, it was revealed that the NSA could eavesdrop on Skype video calls, completely invalidating Microsoft’s previous claims that the service was secure. However, following that logic, the SEA is likely targeting nearly every technology company after last week’s revelations regarding the scope of the NSA’s access.

Microsoft responds:

Images of the hacked blog



Read more : The Syrian Electronic Army Rings In The New Year By Hacking Skype’s Social Media Accounts

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