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The BBC brings its Connected Red Button to Samsung and Sony Smart TVs

BBC2 520x245 The BBC brings its Connected Red Button to Samsung and Sony Smart TVs

Following its announcement a few weeks back that its Connected Red Button had arrived on a range of Sony Smart TVs, the BBC has revealed that the beta service has now landed on a slew of Samsung TVs too, with LG arriving shortly.

First introduced in 1999 as BBC Text, the Red Button constitutes part of the BBC’s digital TV offering, and replaced its analogue Ceefax service. The Red Button gets you alternative broadcasts, say, during sporting events, or text-based information on the day’s biggest sports or news stories.

While it had previously landed on Virgin Media’s TiVo service, the Connected incarnation of the Red Button is now making inroads into more livingrooms. It basically mixes the broadcast element of the Red Button as you already know it, with BBC Online content, so you can watch BBC programs when the channel is off air, access more streams from major events and more.

You can see a full list of compatible Sony and Samsung TVs here.

➤ BBC launches Connected Red Button on range of Samsung and Sony Smart TVs

Following its announcement a few weeks back that its Connected Red Button had arrived on a range of Sony Smart TVs, the BBC has revealed that the beta service has… Keep reading →}

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