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See New Year’s Eve Through Google Glass in Times Square



Amid the sea of smartphones and handheld cameras capturing the iconic Times Square ball drop on New Year’s Eve was at least one pair of Google Glass

Mashable‘s Associate Entertainment Editor Brian Anthony Hernandez, above, wore Google‘s wearable technology in New York City to take photos and record videos of the action and festivities surrounding the ball drop during Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve

Here’s what Hernandez documented using Google Glass throughout the night:

Phones and cameras flew to the sky for the ball drop and remained up high, for people not making out, as the smoke from fireworks dissipated and confetti landed on the cement Read more…

More about Holidays, Miley Cyrus, New Years, Ryan Seacrest, and New Years Eve

Read more : See New Year’s Eve Through Google Glass in Times Square

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