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Meet Urb-E, The World’s Most Compact Electric Scooter

One of the more interesting discoveries at this year’s CES was the Urb-E e-vehicle, a super compact electric scooter that folds right up in a jiffy.

We interviewed co-founder Grant Delgatti and learned that the little guy is meant for commuters who need a little extra push for the last leg of their journey, whether it be the mile from the train station to the house or from the cheap parking lot down the street to the office.

The Urb-E can go twenty miles on a single charge, and has a max speed of 15 mph. I rode one around for a bit after the interview and while it takes some getting used to, it’s a whole lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

Even better, the Urb-E folds up to be about the size of a small suitcase, and can be rolled around like one, too.

In the final version, Urb-E will have a dock for you to charge your smartphone, as well as an app that can plug into the scooter and give back information on how much battery is left.

Delgatti hasn’t made final decisions on price point, but that will be announced soon when the company launches its Kickstarter campaign. He estimates it will go for about $1,500.

Read more : Meet Urb-E, The World’s Most Compact Electric Scooter

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