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Holacracy: The Hot Management Trend for 2014?



If all goes well, by the end of this year Tony Hsieh won’t be the CEO of Zappos. In fact, he won’t be anything there, just another employee without a title

It may sound like any other CEO’s worst nightmare, but for Hsieh and Zappos, it’s a bold new experiment in management. The Amazon unit will become the largest company yet to embrace a holacracy.

Invented in the early 2000s by entrepreneur Brian Robertson, a holacracy is a management structure based on the tasks a company needs to accomplish, rather than a standard reporting structure. Hence the lack of titles. As Robertson describes it, a holacracy is sort of like a game: Everyone in the organization sets up a constitution with rules to adhere to. The group decides to distribute tasks. Those responsible for tasks own them. There is no micro-management Read more…

More about Me.Dium, Management, Zappos, Business, and Evan Wiliams

Read more : Holacracy: The Hot Management Trend for 2014?

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