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EE and Vodafone to offer UK subscribers 3G services in the Channel Tunnel, 4G to follow

logo aqua EE and Vodafone to offer UK subscribers 3G services in the Channel Tunnel, 4G to followUK carriers EE and Vodafone announced today that it will make 2G and 3G services available in the north-running Channel Tunnel — for the journey from UK to France — in March this year.

This means that consumers making the 35-minute underwater journey from the UK to France will be able to stay connected while traveling.  French carriers Bouygues Telecom, Orange and SFR already set up such mobile services for the south-running tunnel in 2012, before the London Olympics.

EE also said that its high-speed 4G service will be accessible in the Channel Tunnel by summer this year, while Vodafone gave no timeline but said 4G services will be available “in the future.”

EE was the first network operator to offer 4G connectivity in the UK, and now boasts over 2 million subscribers, while Vodafone started offering 4G subscriptions in August last year.

Image Credit: EE

Read more : EE and Vodafone to offer UK subscribers 3G services in the Channel Tunnel, 4G to follow

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