Want to create new habits this new year? Do it one bit at a time with LittleBit.
LittleBit is a recently released goal-setting app that encourages you to complete small and simple tasks to ultimately make a bigger and better you:
LittleBit helps you do ONE thing consistently until it’s a habit. Thats it. Most people try to change too much at once. They soon get overwhelmed and give up. By choosing one thing and doing a little bit each day, you will find that it’s easy to create whatever habit you want!
To use the app, you have to specify a small task you want to do every day, e.g. go for a walk, read a book, or eat a fruit. You can then set a reminder for your daily habit (with an interface that’s reminiscent of Rise Alarm Clock‘s). Read more…
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Read more : Create New Habits This New Year, One Little Bit At A Time
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