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11 Ingenious Solar Projects Impacting the Developing World



It’s easy to take energy for granted, forgetting that throughout much of the world, a lack of power affects everything from business to education to matters of life and death. Approximately 1.5 billion people still don’t have access to electricity worldwide, with an additional 1 billion having only intermittent access.

By using the power of the sun — the ultimate natural resource — these issues can be ameliorated, if not solved. Scientists, social entrepreneurs and even big tech companies are working to make strides with solar power.

The gallery above highlights some of the coolest and most innovative solar projects out there today. Whether it’s simple lanterns with solar panels at the top, large stills that turn steam into drinking water or even artificial leaves that mimic photosynthesis, you’ll be amazed what the sun can do. Read more…

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Read more : 11 Ingenious Solar Projects Impacting the Developing World

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