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11 Historical Figures Who Would’ve Hosted Rad Reddit AMAs



Go ahead — ask me anything

That’s the simple prompt behind Reddit’s extremely popular series, “Ask Me Anything,” or AMA. The question and answer directive offers Redditors a chance to submit queries to a variety of interesting people, from ex-Mafia bosses to a slew of mega-famous names, such as Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Al Gore.

The AMA is mostly a vehicle for a shared learning experience. Unless you’re Woody Harrelson, who will go down in Reddit history as one of the worst of all time, most AMAs are full of interesting, insightful and funny questions and responses, a place where people are happy to spill secrets and confessions. Read more…

More about Reddit, Social Media, Features, Humor, and History

Read more : 11 Historical Figures Who Would’ve Hosted Rad Reddit AMAs

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