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With a 7-Day Head Start, PS4 Beats Xbox One Sales in November



The PlayStation 4 topped sales of Microsoft’s Xbox One system in November, marking the highest first-month sales of a game console ever.

According to the NPD Group, Sony’s next-generation video gaming system sold the most consoles last month. But those winning numbers also had a one-week lead on the Xbox One, which hit stores seven days later on Nov. 22. The PlayStation 4 is also $100 cheaper than the $499 competing system.

“When looking at sales on an average per-week basis, Xbox One led PS4,” NPD said in a statement. “Keep in mind, however, that supply typically becomes constrained in the second week after launch.” Read more…

More about Microsoft, Gaming, Sony, Xbox, and Playstation 4

Read more : With a 7-Day Head Start, PS4 Beats Xbox One Sales in November

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