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What to Do With Your New Kindle Paperwhite



For those that received a new Kindle Paperwhite during the holidays, we have good news: your gift giver clearly did their research. It may be the smartest e-reader on the market

As you cozy up to it in the weeks and months ahead, you’ll immediately notice the reading experience is closest to reading an actual book, from how it feels in your hands to the e-ink experience, and true to the Amazon Kindle line, there’s no glare in the sun. (That is, when you take it to the beach when summer rolls around).

The device is all about books, so you won’t find a camera mode, and the e-ink means only black and white. The Paperwhite offers a basic web browser, but most of the key features revolve around the reading experience Read more…

More about Amazon, Features, Tech, Kindle, and Ereaders

Read more : What to Do With Your New Kindle Paperwhite

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