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Viral Video Recap: Human Cat Tree, Teeterboard Jumping and More



Sometimes humans try to fool animals, but these plans don’t always work out. Cats, especially, don’t easily fall for disguises

In this week’s viral video recap, a man dressed as a cat tree infiltrates a kitty playroom. The mission: Get three felines to look him in the eye. Initially, they hesitate to approach the human cat toy, but he eventually succeeds at the end of the video (albeit with some cheating involved)

Also featured in this week’s recap: Cirque du Soleil gymnasts jump and flip off of a teeterboard, and Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali lookalikes challenge each other in the “Epic Rap Battles of History” YouTube video series. Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Michael Jordan, Cirque De Soleil, Mice, and Video

Read more : Viral Video Recap: Human Cat Tree, Teeterboard Jumping and More

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