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Turn Your Top Instagram Pics of 2013 Into a Video



How was your year on Instagram? If you’re not sure how to answer that question, Statigram has a pretty good summary.

The Instagram-tracking service released a new tool that unearths the five most popular photos posted to your Instagram account in 2013 and turns them into a short video. It measures popularity by likes, plain and simple, showing the count over each pic as the slideshow progresses.

If you haven’t seen one of that Statigram-made videos in your feed, just search the #memostatigram hashtag on Instagram for many, many examples (mine is embedded below). The search turns up more than 38,000 posts as of this writing. Read more…

More about Instagram, Statigram, Tech, Apps Software, and Mobile

Read more : Turn Your Top Instagram Pics of 2013 Into a Video

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