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This Week On The TechCrunch Droidcast: So Many Google Play Editions, So Little Time


After a brief hiatus, we’re back with a very special episode of the TechCrunch Droidcast. Recorded with both myself and Chris Velazco in the flesh in our studio offices in sunny, warm (actually freezing, dark) Toronto, Canada this week is a pleasantly brief sojourn into the world of Android.

We deal mostly with the new Google Play edition devices launched this week, which include a stripped down, virtually stock OS running on Sony’s Experia Ultra Z (though it loses the ‘Xperia’ for some reason) and the LG G Pad 8.3-inch Android tablet. Google’s going a little wild with those ‘blessed’ devices, which have the benefit of having all manufacturer bloatware stripped out, to show just how dumb OEM skins actually are.

We invite you to enjoy weekly Android podcasts every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Eastern and 2:30 p.m. Pacific (generally speaking), in addition to our weekly Gadgets podcast at 3 p.m. Eastern and noon Pacific on Fridays. Subscribe to the TechCrunch Droidcast in iTunes, too, if that’s your fancy.

Intro music by”>Kris Keyser.

Direct″>download available here.


Read more : This Week On The TechCrunch Droidcast: So Many Google Play Editions, So Little Time

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