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This Technology Tags Your Photos Based on Relationships



Since 2010, Facebook has used facial recognition software to automatically tag your friends in photos. Now one researcher has come up with an algorithm that tags photos based on the relationships that people in images already have with each other.

The algorithm uses the name and location of existing photo tags to build a “relationship graph,” where personal connections in the images are calculated. That makes it faster and more efficient at tagging pictures compared to what’s currently used by sites such as Facebook and Flickr

For example, if a father and daughter appear in tagged images consistently, untagged photos featuring them can be tagged automatically. If the daughter is in an image with both of her parents, but the father is untagged, the algorithm is able to recognize him based on their other images together. Read more…

More about Facebook, Photo, Flickr, Photographs, and Patent

Read more : This Technology Tags Your Photos Based on Relationships

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