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This Crazy Cat Litter Ad Is Just Meow-tlandish



The Dutch ad company that came up with this video might not be on-point when it comes to pop culture timelines, but they do get points for committing to absurdity.

And let’s be fair, promoting a disposable litter box is no easy task — but the ‘Poopy Cat Dolls’ do it with style.

Parodying the now-defunct pop group The Pussycat Dolls, this musical ad shows the sassy side of five cats begging for a better litter option. The ad doesn’t go into the benefits of disposable vs. stationary litter boxes, but we don’t care

We’ll take six for our cats at home, please. Read more…

More about Advertising, Viral Videos, Cats, Cute Animals, and Weird

Read more : This Crazy Cat Litter Ad Is Just Meow-tlandish

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