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The Wellcome Trust charity earned over $100 million from Twitter’s IPO

The Wellcome Trust, a large charitable foundation in the UK that funds scientific and medical research, earned over $100 million from Twitter’s high-profile IPO earlier this year.

In its annual results for 2012/13, the Wellcome Trust admitted that its 1 percent stake, acquired privately from founders and employees who wanted some liquidity, “was marked up by more than $100 million” after Twitter floated last month. A report by Management Today says that based on the company’s share price, which is currently hovering at around $56, the Trust’s stake is worth roughly $313 million at the moment.

The charity also has a $185 million investment in Facebook, $219 million in Apple and $200 million in Microsoft.

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2013 [Via The Huffington Post]

Image Credit: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images

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