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The United Nations Now Uses Drones



The sky over the Democratic Republic of Congo is now dotted with two white drones—the first unmanned aircraft owned by the United Nations.

They took off from the city of Goma on Tuesday, where they will help the UN better monitor rebel activity along the nation’s borders with Uganda and Rwanda, according to The Guardian.

The peacekeeping organization was integral to recently defeating M23, a rebel group in the Democratic Republic of Congo that took over Goma at one point last year. But for a nation that has been battered by violent groups for around 20 years, defeating one is not enough, and the 20,000 UN troops throughout the country have not been able to end the bloodshed. Other rebel factions lurk amidst dense forest in remote Congolese terrain, and the UN believes drones will help track their movement. Read more…

More about United Nations, Congo, Gadgets, Us World, and World

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