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The Simplest Way to Secure Your Webcam Without Any Software



Let’s start with the bad news: Your webcam is vulnerable. It can be remotely activated and you won’t even know it’s on. A report this month in the Washington Post revealed that the FBI figured out how to do this years ago.

Now for the good news: You can protect your webcam privacy with a bit of MacGyver-esque ingenuity. All you need is a Post-it note.

Start with your standard 2×2-inch Post-it Note in the color of your choice (we don’t recommend the super-sticky variety). A piece of notepaper will work just as well. A piece of black tape would be a more permanent solution, but you will probably want to use that webcam someday. Tape, black or otherwise, could leave glue residue on the webcam lens or tiny illumination light, rendering it useless. Read more…

More about Security, Privacy, Laptop, Webcams, and Tech

Read more : The Simplest Way to Secure Your Webcam Without Any Software

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