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The Age of Amazon Air: Will Drones Dominate Delivery?



Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson’s seminal cyberpunk novel of the near future, published in 1992, opens with what is easily the most memorable pizza delivery scene in world literature. The pizza in question has a ticking clock built into its box, counting down from 30 minutes

If it isn’t delivered in that time, the head of the Mafia (which runs the pizza franchise) will have to personally apologize to the customer. The delivery guy embarks on a series of thrilling, death-defying traffic-surfing stunts to get it there in time

Stephenson has a pretty good track record when it comes to seeing the future — but not on this score, apparently. In the wake of Amazon Air, which promises to deliver packages within 30 minutes via quadrocopter, it seems readers of the future will smile at this quaint scene and ask: why didn’t the Mafia simply deliver pizzas by drone? Read more…

More about Amazon, Business, Us, Drones, and Amazon Drone

Read more : The Age of Amazon Air: Will Drones Dominate Delivery?

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