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So Wow. The 20 Best Memes of 2013



Goodbye, Harlem Shake. Goodbye, Hot Dog Legs. As we wave adios to 2013, we must bid farewell to the memes that brought joy to the Internet this year.

This year’s crop of memes originated in news stories, YouTube videos and online communities like Reddit and Tumblr

In 2012, major events like the Summer Olympics and U.S. Presidential election spawned inescapable moments that dominated the web for months. In 2013, less meme-able headlines caused most shareable moments to quickly flash and fade.

We gathered a respected jury of sloths, Tumblr fangirls and Shiba Inus to help us settle on the 20 top memes of 2013. Cheers to 2014, Internet! Read more…

More about Reddit, Viral Videos, Miley Cyrus, Tumblr, and Dogs

Read more : So Wow. The 20 Best Memes of 2013

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