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See the Top Trending, Music and News YouTube Videos of 2013



YouTube has released a list of its top trending videos for 2013, as well as the list of most-watched music and news videos.

The first video on the list, music video The Fox by the Norwegian comedy duo Ylvis, has been watched more than 275 million times. It’s followed by the ubiquitous Harlem Shake, which has 95 million views (probably several times as much if you count the myriad of covers), and the funny video How Animals Eat Their Food, which has more than 88 million views

Brands have done well this year, with three promo videos reaching the top 10 list: Evian’s Baby&Me, Volvo Trucks’s Epic Split with Jean-Claude Van Damme, and the Telekinetic Coffee Shop Prank, actually a promo for remake of classic horror film Carrie. Read more…

More about Youtube, Entertainment, Music, Video, and 2013

Read more : See the Top Trending, Music and News YouTube Videos of 2013

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