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See Carlos Santana Reunite With Homeless Ex-Bandmate



Marcus “The Magnificent” Malone was a member of Carlos Santana’s band in the late 1960s. You won’t find much info about him online, however, as he was homeless and nearly impossible to find for decades. Now, he’s gotten a chance to meet his legendary former bandmate — and perhaps even play with him again

The two musicians did not meet by pure chance. Stanley Roberts, reporter for San Francisco’s news station KRON 4, met Marcus Malone while working on a different story last week. Malone, who was sifting through garbage on the streets of Oakland, told Roberts he was in fact the percussionist in Carlos Santana’s Santana Blues Band Read more…

More about Music, Us World, Us, Carlos Santana, and Marcus Malone

Read more : See Carlos Santana Reunite With Homeless Ex-Bandmate

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