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Ryan Seacrest’s Typo Keyboard Makes iPhones Look Like BlackBerrys



Ryan Seacrest is notorious for having his hands in just about everything these days, so it’s no surprise he’s now eying the tech industry

The American Idol host and serial reality TV producer, who is known for using both an iPhone and BlackBerry device, invested $1 million in the Typo Keyboard, an iPhone accessory that aims to make typing a lot easier. The case snaps on to the top of an iPhone and turns the touchscreen keypad into one that resembles the BlackBerry’s qwerty keyboard.

The Typo Keyboard ($99) targets for those who carry two phones: one for typing and correspondence and an iPhone for most everything else. The concept makes sense for BlackBerry lovers who have resisted switching to the iPhone because of loyalty to the qwerty keyboard. Read more…

More about Blackberry, Iphone, Tv, Startups, and Smartphones

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