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‘Respectful Rappers’ Make Dirty Lyrics Safe for Work



Rap music is often regarded as one of the more vulgar genres. Think about how many soundless expletives there are in a live TV broadcast of an Eminem performance — occasionally, you might hear a consonant or two

Respectful Rappers are here to help change that

The new Tumblr-based blog has taken several rappers’ original crude lyrics and given them a more refined facelift. Or rather, as they put it, it’s like “if rappers were a little less angry and misogynistic.”

Take a look at the hilarious results and be sure to check out the blog for more. Read more…

More about Music, Pics, Tumblr, Kanye West, and Jay Z

Read more : ‘Respectful Rappers’ Make Dirty Lyrics Safe for Work

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