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NASA Astronauts Begin Christmas Eve Spacewalk



Two American astronauts are spending Christmas Eve working in the vacuum of space to hopefully fix the vital cooling system aboard the International Space Station.

NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio officially started the spacewalk at 6:53 a.m. EST (1153 GMT). The two astronauts ventured outside of the space station’s Quest airlock shortly afterwards, getting to work on their second spacewalk in four days. You canĀ watch the spacewalk live on on Tuesday via NASA TV.

“In this holiday way of giving, we’re giving you a spacewalk today,” NASA spokesman Rob Navias said during NASA TV’s coverage of the spacewalk. Today’s spacewalk is the second-ever Christmas Eve EVA (extra-vehicular activity, another term for spacewalk). The first took place 14 years ago as space shuttle Discovery astronauts Steve Smith and John Grunsfeld spent 8 hours and 8 minutes installing upgrades and new insulation on the Hubble Space Telescope. Read more…

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