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Mobile, Tablet Video Streaming Sees Major Year-Over-Year Jump



Television is changing, and so are the devices we watch it on

A new study from Ooyala, a digital video provider with customers like ESPN, FOX Sports and Comedy Central, found that mobile and tablet video consumption grew 133% year-over-year. Video that was streamed to tablets and mobile devices accounted for 15% of all streamed video in Q3, a new record, according to Ooyala’s Global Video Index

The report takes into account more than 200 million unique monthly viewers from 130 different countries, says Simon Jones, Ooyala’s solutions director. In fact, Q3 isn’t even a traditionally popular quarter for video streaming, he added, citing a lack on season television programming and summer vacations as reasons people consume less video Read more…

More about Mobile, Television, Tablet, Video Streaming, and Ooyala

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