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Memorializing Mandela: From the Apollo Theater to Johannesburg



On news of former South African President Nelson Mandela’s death, the world — from citizens to media outlets — shared their memorials. Here, we offer a sampling of some of the most inspiring and moving tributes

South Africans are shown, in the photo above, lighting candles outside Mandela’s home in Johannesburg.

A 10-Page Multimedia-Rich Obituary, From The New York Times

An excerpt from the obituary by Bill Keller:

When the question was put to Mr. Mandela in an interview for this obituary in 2007 — after such barbarous torment, how do you keep hatred in check? — his answer was almost dismissive: Hating clouds the mind. It gets in the way of strategy. Leaders cannot afford to hate. Read more…

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Read more : Memorializing Mandela: From the Apollo Theater to Johannesburg

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