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‘Let Mandela Be a Beacon’: What Teachers Will Tell Their Students Friday



Nelson Mandela, former South African president and anti-apartheid revolutionary, died on Thursday at age 95. He leaves behind a legacy of courageous leadership that will undoubtedly inspire generations to come

“He achieved more than could be expected of any man,” President Obama said in a statement shortly after Mandela’s death. “Today he has gone home […] He no longer belongs to us; he belongs to the ages.”

While world leaders address their nations on an international stage, how will teachers do the same with their students in the classroom this week? We asked a few how they’ll share Mandela’s story. Here’s what they said. Read more…

More about Teachers, Inspiration, Students, History, and South Africa

Read more : ‘Let Mandela Be a Beacon’: What Teachers Will Tell Their Students Friday

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