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Jay Z Ranks His 12 Albums From Best to Worst in 1 Photo



On his 44th birthday, rapper Jay Z gifted something for his fans and critics: a ranking of the 12 studio albums he has released since 1996. He published the list on Dec. 4, with a photo of the 12 albums in order from best to worst, on his Life + Times website.

Jay Z Ranks Albums

From top to bottom, taking the No. 1 spot is Jay Z’s critically acclaimed debut album, Reasonable Doubt. His latest album, Magna Carta Holy Grail, claims the No. 6 position

Jay Z unleashed Magna Carta Holy Grail in 2013, giving away one million copies of the album, purchased for $5 each by Samsung, to one million Samsung Galaxy owners, who had to download an app to snag a copy. The marketing stunt influenced the Recording Industry Association of America to “modernize” its 55-year-old certification process to immediately include digital sales. Read more…

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