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Hacker Makes Drone to Hijack Other Drones



When Amazon‘s Jeff Bezos announced he wanted to deliver packages by drones, some joked that was good news: they’d be able to get free stuff out of the sky by shooting drones.

That might actually be possible without a gun. Hacker Samy Kamkar has built a modified Parrot AR Drone 2.0 — which, coincidentally, can be purchased on Amazon — that can hijack other Parrot drones in the vicinity, taking control of them. Basically, it’s a drone that makes zombie drones

Kamkar dubbed his creation SkyJack and published a detailed explanation of how it can be reproduced on his blog Tuesday. All you need is a Parrot AR Drone 2.0 equipped with a tiny Raspberry Pi computer, a battery, two wireless transmitters and Kamkar’s software Read more…

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