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Google’s Nexus TV Could Launch in Early 2014, Report Says



Google is one step closer to unveiling its own Nexus-branded set-top box for streaming videos and playing games, according to a new report.

The set-top box, which streams video from services such as Hulu and Netflix will run on Android, and could be available as early as the first half of 2014, The Information reported Friday.

The tech publication is not the first to speculate on a set-top streaming device from Google. Months ago, The Wall Street Journal reported that Google showed off a prototype device in January at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas. The device reportedly had a motion sensor similar to Xbox’s Kinect technology, and also supported Google Hangouts for video conferencing Read more…

More about Google, Roku, Stream, Apple Tv, and Nexus

Read more : Google’s Nexus TV Could Launch in Early 2014, Report Says

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