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From iPad mini to Galaxy Note: Which Tablet Is Right for You?



For the fourth holiday season in a row, tablets are some of the hottest gifts of the year. A few years ago, it was easy to pick a holiday tablet: Just get an iPad.

Fast-forward to 2013 and the situation is a bit different. Not only are there multiple iPad devices to choose from, there are a host of iPad alternatives worth looking at too.

So which tablet is right for you? We’ve put together the below flow chart to help you get in the right frame of mind for choosing the perfect tablet. The goal of this chart is to help you start thinking about the criteria that are most important to you in a tablet Read more…

More about Tablets, Infographic, Mashable Infographics, Galaxy Note, and Tech

Read more : From iPad mini to Galaxy Note: Which Tablet Is Right for You?

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