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Dario Is a Connected Gadget For Managing Diabetes



Startups sometimes come under fire for defining their product based on existing companies — the Uber for this, or Pinterest for that. But when technology expands to a new category, sometimes the best way to explain it is by bringing to mind something that is already familiar

Dario, a connected gadget for diabetes management, could be called a Square for people who have diabetes, or a FitBit for blood glucose alongside other stats. The all-in-one gadget connects to your phone via the headphone jack to keep a record of your blood glucose. Meals, activities and insulin are entered manually so the app can identify trends and help users make better decisions throughout the day. The iOS app was released by Israeli startup LabStyle Innovations on Thursday in the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, and the gadget will be released in 2014, pending regulatory approval. Read more…

More about Lifestyle, Health Fitness, Diabetes, and Dario

Read more : Dario Is a Connected Gadget For Managing Diabetes

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