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Cyber Monday Sales Hit New Record, With Help From Mobile



Cyber Monday sales set a new one-day record for online shopping, according to a report.

Online sales for Cyber Monday increased by more than 20% from a year earlier, helped by strong growth in mobile sales, according to the latest data from IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark, which tracks 800 U.S. retail websites. Mobile sales increased 55% year-over-year and now account for more than 17% of total online sales for Cyber Monday.

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Much of that ecommerce activity on mobile was from tablets, which accounted for 11.7% of all online sales for the day. Tablet users also spent significantly more than smartphone users: $126.30 versus $106.49, respectively. Read more…

More about Shopping, Ecommerce, Cyber Monday, Business, and Mobile

Read more : Cyber Monday Sales Hit New Record, With Help From Mobile

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