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Bite-Size Idea Made a Big Difference for Cupcake Shop



During the 2008 recession, Melissa Ben-Ishay was fired from her advertising job. After hearing the news, Ben-Ishay’s brother encouraged her to go home and bake cupcakes, so they could start a business. And just like that, Baked By Melissa was born.

Baked By Melissa started small — the first store, in 2009, was a window in New York’s trendy SoHo neighborhood manned by Melissa herself. The cupcakes were bite-sized, so customers could have one of everything, without feeling “gluttonous.”

“We reached out to the key players — who are still a part of the organization today — to take advantage of every opportunity that came our way,” says Ben-Ishay, who says the word-of-mouth buzz snowballed into press opportunities and high demand. Read more…

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