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Best Meteor Shower of the Year Peaks Tonight: How to Watch



One of the best meteor showers of the year is set to put on a performance Friday night, but if you can’t catch the cosmic display in person, you can watch it live online.

The Geminid meteor shower — named for the constellation Gemini — is peaking late tonight into Saturday morning, potentially treating stargazers in light-free areas to about 90 to 120 meteors per hour. Observers can expect to get the best views of the shower, weather permitting, at around 4 a.m. local time in the wee hours of Saturday morning after the waxing moon sets, according to Bill Cooke, head of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office. Read more…

More about Space, Science, Meteor Shower, Meteor, and Us World

Read more : Best Meteor Shower of the Year Peaks Tonight: How to Watch

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